Thursday, May 5, 2011


So, I have been under a lot of stress at my full time job lately, and the drama that is associated with working with a bunch of women who love to talk,(that's how hairdressers are!) is starting to get to me. I've noticed that I haven't been sleeping as well, because I am constantly thinking about work, and not getting enough sleep is not doing me any favors when it comes to working out and wanting to eat healthy and always make dinner. Yesterday was my day off, and I still spent most of the day thinking about work.
We also might be moving again shortly. (We just moved in the end of October into an apartment) because our landlords who live upstairs are expecting a new little boy, and they also have a 1 year old girl. The wife would like to have her husband start working from home, but they would need our apartment to do that. So, we are at a loss for what to do.
All I can say right now, is that I NEED A VACATION TO CLEAR MY HEAD!!!!!!!! A real one, where I can turn off my phone and no one will care!

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