Thursday, June 17, 2010


I can't get my wedding ring off of my finger. I was getting ready to take it off to clean it, and I can't get it off. Maybe it's because the weather has been changing a lot here, I don't know, but all of my fingers are bigger now. I'm doing everything in my power to not cry as I type this, but I feel that is a sign that I am getting fat again.
I have to be honest, and the only thing I have really done to have a part of my healthy life, is the 5K walk I did tonight. I haven't been watching what I'm eating, I haven't been going to Curves, I haven't even cared lately.
Tonight was a HUGE eye opener for me. Tomorrow is a new day, and I will make it better than today. I think I'm going to have to take this one day at a time, or I won't be able to conquer it.
I have gained some of the weight back. I can't bring myself to move the ticker yet, because I don't want to move it back. I will see if I can do it tomorrow.
I'm going to start tomorrow by actually having breakfast! That has been my struggle the last couple of weeks.


Bev said...

Hang in there...we love you lots! Today is a new day (for me, too!) :-) Hugs!

Chelsea Anderson said...

It's not about perfection, it's about progress! I miss seeing you at Curves. I think it's time for a little Chelsea Curves therapy! Ha Ha. Hope you get feeling better. Try not to be so hard on yourself!