Wednesday, June 2, 2010


So, I haven't been able to make it down to Curves yet this week. I've been doing a lot of walking, so that I am still getting some cardio in. It's been great so far! I walked another 5K Monday night, and then a mile and a half tonight. It's also been good for me to have a walking buddy. My good friend Eva has been my walking buddy. It's great, because she is able to push me to keep my heart rate up, because her legs are a mile long! (Just teasing, but her legs are longer than mine.) I feel healthier every day! This week is going to be crazy, so I may not blog much more the rest of the week. I'm running all over the place for the next few days, so hopefully I will be able to catch up on Sunday.

1 comment:

Chelsea Anderson said...

I miss you! It's time to come back to Curves to visit me. Good job on the walking though!