Thursday, September 22, 2011


So, today I climbed on the scale. It's been over 3 weeks of being depressed and not eating as good as I should that got me there. I needed to see where I was at before I go back to the dietitian on Tuesday...and I didn't gain anything! Wahoo! I did better than I had realized, because I was actually down another pound! I'm so stoked! I know now that if I really amp up my program, then I really will see the results that I need to and want to see!
Working out has been my struggle. And eating good things. My hubby was out of work, so we bought what was cheap or on sale for the most part. But I have really struggled with wanting to get to my workouts, just like any other human being on this planet! I always feel better when I do, but I was so far gone for a while that I just didn't even care anymore. That time has passed, and it's only caring from here on out! My health is much more important than me being a lazy woman!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Help from a friend

So, this is a picture of my friend Carrie! (This picture is old, but it's still a picture!) She and I have a lot in common, and I am so grateful for her friendship. Lately, her and I have been feeling much the same in life, and she has found her way through it. I'm not all the way through my current struggles, but I am getting better with it.

I have been feeling really guilty about a lot of things in my life that I didn't realize until about a week and a half ago when I went to the temple. Long story short, I went and had some discovery. I now need to put that plan and discovery into action. First things first, I am back on my plan as of this moment. Secondly, I need to kick things up a notch without killing myself. Thirdly, I really need to find a way to take some time off of work. I need to schedule a "stay cation" and really get my house clean and organized. It has been driving me nuts, and I haven't been home enough to do anything about it. That's all about to change!

Wish me luck, and thanks again to Carrie. I love having someone that understands me on more than one level.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Quotes that make me happy!

The always beautiful Audrey Hepburn has some quotes that I have had friends sharing them lately, and they make me happy, so I want to share them with all of you!
Nothing is impossible. The word it's self says "I'm possible."
I find that happy girls are the prettiest girls.
I love that these quotes really aren't based on anything vain. She is such a beautiful person inside and out. I only hope that I can take on her amazing spirit and be able to inspire people to love and believe in themselves.
Have a fabulous Friday everyone!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


So, I have been getting to bed early lately! It is not in my nature to be asleep and dead to the world by 10:30! Maybe I am finally adjusting to my early morning schedule! All I know, is that I am sleeping more deeply, but still feeling exhausted! I am so ready to just sleep for a week to catch up!
I have been napping as well. Should I be worried that something is going on with having to sleep so much? Is it stress related? I don't know! I guess I will just have to "ride it out" and see!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Emotional Roller Coaster!

So, I have been on a major emotional roller coaster this week! I have been fine one minute, bawling my eyes out the next, happy and laughing about that the next, and then furious the next. All for no real reason! I'm thinking stress is the biggest factor in this! My "Monthly Visitor" is here as well, and I know that doesn't help anything. I guess a lot of it is the fact that I feel like my hubby doesn't appreciate everything I've been doing for him. I come home, he doesn't have anything done at the house, and when I ask him about it, I get jumped on. I then get defensive, because I haven't done anything wrong, and that makes me emotional, because I don't like to fight with my husband! I am ready for him to find a job. If he was working all day, and I came home to a house that needed a little bit of a clean up, I wouldn't mind. It's when he's home all day, and has the time to do it, and he doesn't, that it's hard on me. Blah! I want to get off the roller coaster and go back to real life! I have no desire to work out. I should take all my frustrations out at the gym, but I don't have any motivation to go right now.
I did go to the temple last night, and I left feeling very at peace, and was much more myself last night. Hopefully that feeling will continue throughout today!