Sunday, July 7, 2013

So much has happened....

So, I have been severely neglecting this blog. When I was first on my journey, I was in a struggling marriage. A part of me thought that if I was thinner, maybe that would solve some of our problems. I was sadly mistaken. Needless to say, I am no longer in that struggling marriage. Right after we separated, I put on weight because I was depressed. I didn't know what to think, or what to do, and I just wanted to hide from all of it. As time has gone on, and I have met new people and made new friends and new connections, I had continued to put on weight, because I thought being social was more important than being healthy.
 I got on the scale 2 days ago, and I was back up to 210 lbs. I cried.
So, I jumped right back onto my amazing program! I am down 4 lbs in the first 2 days back on the program. There is nothing like this out there. The food is delicious, I don't feel hungry most of the time, and it's great for an on the go lifestyle like I live.
 Emotionally, I am in not such a depressed state now, which I'm sure is helping my weight loss. Mental health plays such a key part in a weight loss journey. If you let negative thoughts poison your life, you can't make progress. As an emotional eater myself, I struggle with this. I know that if I surround myself with positive people, I do much better. So, my tip today, if that is all you take away from this post, is to surround yourself with positive people!
 Much Love,
Shae, the Skinny Minnie!


Unknown said...

Nice job so far! I know you can do it! I'm curious what program you are doing? Good job keep it up Shala!

Carrie said...

I'm so glad you posted! Congrats on recommitting yourself. I really am proud of you.

Shae Mickey said...

Thank you guys so much! Austin- email me and I can give you the details! It's an amazing program. My dad has lost almost 150 lbs on it in the last year and a half!

Anonymous said...

Oh my dear. I have totally been there. The struggling marriage, the divorce, all that fun stuff. I look back on it now as the best, hardest thing that has ever happened to me (best and hardest--aren't trials just like that?) but it's still something I would never in a million years wish on anybody. Sounds like you are already stronger coming out of it so good on ya. :)

Shae Mickey said...

Thank you! I really appreciate your comments!