Friday, December 9, 2011

Will Power

So, I have to tell you, I was so lost last night due to that craving, I honestly had no idea what to do. I didn't give in to this particular craving, because I wanted to find out what about it I was craving. Was it the cheese? Was it just bread in general? What was it about THOSE PARTICULAR ONES that I was craving. As I sat and thought about it last night, I found out it was their seasoning blend that I was craving! Their particular blend seems to be more salty than the other pizza places, so I figured I was craving the salt more than anything. That's why it wasn't just cheesy bread of any kind. So, I drank some more water thinking I was dehydrated, and I did fine the rest of the night. I even said no to the cookies I bought for my work staff meeting last night.
All in all, I think this was a good experience for me to go through! I learned that I need to know specifically what I am craving about foods I crave, and figure out what I need! :)

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