Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Planning Meals

Ok, so the day has started off ok. I went down to Curves, and did a really good workout! 30 minutes=570 calories today! w00t! Generally, I don't like working out in the mornings as much as I do the early evenings. Today, I had 2 of the best distractions I can. Tami and Chelsea Too! They are two of the adorable trainers at Curves that I love to sit and visit with. They will follow me around the circuit, telling me stories, so that I don't even realize that I am done once I get to the end, because it has felt like the time has gone by so fast! I just want to thank them for being the great gals that they are!
Onto the current subject. Planning meals out is my nemesis. With my work schedule, I regularly have to plan 2 meals to take to work. Today, it's lunch and dinner. The hard part about it today, is that I desperately need to go grocery shopping. I am out of milk, bread, and all my fruits and veggies. So, I guess it's going to need to be whole wheat pasta today. I'm just going to have to pace myself, so that I don't eat the two helpings all at once. The only food options I have at work are pizza, chinese, and the deli that is by us. The deli isn't a bad option most days. They have some great salads. Maybe I will do the pasta for dinner, and have a salad for lunch today. They are just expensive....hmm...
Well, I will figure it out! I'd better shower so that I don't end up being late to work!

1 comment:

Bev said...

Salad for lunch sounds good - I think I will do that! You buy a salad, too. I haven't done anything with the WFB paper that you gave have a salad if you want!!
