Friday, July 29, 2011


So, I realized it's been a long time since I posted my measurements, so I figured I would take them this morning, and post them. But First, let's post what they were the last time I posted them here....
Bust: 45.40"
Waist: 39.25"
Abs: 43.75"
Hips: 50.90"
Thigh: 30.75"
Arm: 16"
Weight: 212 lbs

Bust: 43.0"
Waist: 38.5"
Abs: 41.0"
Hips: 50.5"
Thigh: 28.0"
Arms: 15.75"
Weight: 209 lbs

So, here's the difference since Feb
Bust: -2.40"
Waist: -0.75
Abs: -2.75"
Hips: -0.40
Thigh: -2.75"
Arms: -0.25
Weight: -3.0 lbs

I feel pretty good about that. It's not the pace I want to be going of course, but it's progress, so I am not discouraged! It can only get better from here!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Alrighty, so this week my hubby and I have been moving into a new apartment. It's a better situation for us, and the people we were previously renting from, so even though this is the 3rd time we have moved in the last 2 years, it is what is best for everyone in the situation. But each time we have moved, I have forgotten how much of a workout it is! In this move, there are 2 flights of stairs involved, and we have less help than we have with any of our other moves. Needless to say, I am SO SORE today! We still have a few things to move over to the new place, but we are settled in enough over there to start staying at the new place.
The sleep I got last night was so restful! I'm not nearly as tired today as I have been lately! It might have been all that moving, but I sure enjoyed waking up this morning not nearly as tired as I usually am!
So, I will be doing my regular workout today, plus moving! So many calories burnt! WooT!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Workout Music

So, I need to create a workout mix again. I need one that has upbeat music, but is motivating at the same time. I am drawing a blank this time on making one. Any suggestions?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Where I want to be...

So, when it comes to looks, there are a few women out there that my husband has shared he thinks are beautiful. Here's the list.
Jennifer Love Hewitt
Kristen Stewart

and Shakira

These women are all strikingly beautiful. They have a few things in common. They all have a womanly shape, they have long hair, and 2 of the 3 on here are brunette. So, from what my husband is saying to me, he wants me to keep my shape, grow my hair a little longer, and keep it dark. I can live with those things.
Will I ever look EXACTLY like these women? NO! I'm not going to starve myself to look like these women. Can I get closer to their figures on my journey? OF COURSE!

So, where I want to ultimately be when I finish my journey, is a shapely woman with long brown hair. I think I can handle that! I hope you can all find a picture on your journey to shoot for. I have many. I am also realistic with where I will be at the end of this! Find your realistic goal, and do what you can to reach it!

Love you all!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Emotions and Weight Loss

It's amazing to notice how much our emotions play into our weight loss journey. When I feel upbeat and optimistic, my weight just seems to drop off of me. But when I am upset or stressed about anything in my life, my weight won't budge. Lately I have had some family things going on that cause me to worry and stress for loved ones in my life. I am still trying to be optimistic about everything in my life, but I have my moments where I just break down because of it.
Yesterday was a break down day. I got some news that I didn't want to hear, and I didn't see my husband all day long because of the way our schedules were. The one day I needed to see him, I didn't. It was really hard on me for a good share of yesterday. Then, I went to go help a friend with some planning for her wedding, and then she and her sweetie treated me to dinner. I didn't pig out, but it was nice to get out and have someone to talk to. I didn't realize how much of a shut in I had turned into until a moment at dinner!
I didn't clear my plate at all, but I ate more than I probably should have. I can't let that moment keep me down though. I really just want to start over today, and know that it will be better! My husband doesn't work the rest of the weekend due to a local holiday, so I know I will get to see him!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Ok, doing burpees is the most PAINFUL workout I have done in a long time! I was thinking about them today, and I thought I would blog about it.
What is a burpee?
Well, a burpee is essentially jumping down into a push up and then jumping back up to a standing position. Doesn't sound that hard right? Well, IT IS! They are so crazy tough to do! Once you have done 4-5 you are really feeling it!
If you need something to really give results though, try burpees. For full instructions, check out a tutorial on youtube. There are several!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Having a rough day

Today has been a rough day for me. I got a good look at myself in a full length mirror, and I wasn't ok with what I saw. I did everything in my power not to cry in that moment, because my husband was right there telling me how beautiful he finds me. Him telling me that warmed my heart, but it didn't change what I saw in the mirror. I want to be happy with me.
I am seriously one of the luckiest women alive to have a husband that loves me when I'm not sure that I love myself, and I love that he tells me how beautiful he finds me. It keeps me motivated because I think, "If you think I'm beautiful now, you just wait until I'm back to a healthy weight!"
I just needed to share what I was feeling. Sorry that this was a little personal. I try not to get too personal for people. I just want you to see the human side of me too.


According to, water is very important to weight loss. Here is the article I found.

There are many reasons why it is important to drink water, especially if you are dieting:

  • Initial weight loss is largely due to loss of water, and you need to drink an adequate amount of water in order to avoid dehydration.
  • The process of burning calories requires an adequate supply of water in order to function efficiently; dehydration slows down the fat-burning process.
  • Burning calories creates toxins (think of the exhaust coming out of your car), and water plays a vital role in flushing them out of your body.
  • Dehydration causes a reduction in blood volume; a reduction in blood volume causes a reduction in the supply of oxygen to your muscles; and a reduction in the supply of oxygen to your muscles can make you feel tired.
  • Water helps maintain muscle tone by assisting muscles in their ability to contract, and it lubricates your joints. Proper hydration can help reduce muscle and joint soreness when exercising.
  • A healthy (weight loss) diet includes a good amount of fiber. But while fiber is normally helpful to your digestive system, without adequate fluids it can cause constipation instead of helping to eliminate it.
  • Drinking water with a meal may make you feel full sooner and therefore satisfied eating less. Note, however, that drinking water alone may not have this effect. In order to feel satiated (not hungry), our bodies need bulk, calories and nutrients.

How Much Water Should I Drink?

You have probably heard that you should drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. How much water you actually need depends on your weight, level of activity, the temperature and humidity of your environment, and your diet. Your diet makes a difference because if you eat plenty of water-dense foods like fruits and vegetables your need to drink water will be diminished.

You can do some research and use a calculator and measuring cup if you like, but nature's pretty good at letting you know the right amount to drink. When you drink enough water, your urine will usually be pale yellow, though vitamin supplements and antibiotics can discolor it. On the other hand, you shouldn't need to run to the bathroom too frequently. When in doubt, drink a little more.

Do not worry that drinking water will give your body a bloated look. There are a number of causes of water retention, including consuming too much salt. But drinking water is not one of them.

It is possible to harm yourself by drinking too much water, but it takes quite an effort. Either through obsessive-compulsive behavior or extended athletic activity, drinking large amounts of water can dilute the electrolytes (sodium and potassium) in your blood to the point that it interferes with brain, heart and muscle function. Athletes compound the problem with the loss of sodium (salt) through sweating, but can drink electrolyte replacement drinks like Gatorade Endurance Formula to help keep things in balance.

Tips on Drinking Water

  • Drinking other liquids also provides your body with a source of water, but note that diuretics cause your body to expel water. Diuretics include caffeinated drinks (coffee, tea and soda) and alcohol. When drinking diuretics, drink more water to compensate.
  • When drinking alcohol, drinking water along with it as well as before and afterward may eliminate a hangover headache and feeling of tiredness. The water is optional; driving is not.

  • When you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Try to avoid this situation by drinking in advance. Be especially careful when participating in activities where you won't be able to stop to get caught up.
  • You've heard countless advertisements telling you what product to start your day with. We recommend a couple of glasses of water to rehydrate your body. No charge.
I know how important getting enough water so you stay hydrated is when you are working out, and getting healthy. You may visit the restroom more, but I think it will be worth it to you when you see the results! WATER ROCKS!

Monday, July 18, 2011


Today is my official return to doing ZUMBA since my surgery! I am really excited! I am ready to dance my booty off! I can't even tell you how happy I am about this! It will be perfect! I've really missed it!

Slim and Sassy Results

So, for me, Slim and Sassy wasn't a success the 3 weeks that I used it. The lb that I had lost after the 4th? It's back, and I was even ingesting the Slim and Sassy. I had it with every meal in a capsule, because I couldn't stand the taste to have it in my water.
This is a great product for a lot of people, but for me personally, it isn't as effective with my body and lifestyle. I know many women who have seen amazing results with it. I would recommend to anyone who is curious to go ahead and try it. I did a 3 week trial with it. Maybe that wasn't long enough? I am not sure.
So, I will not be continuing use of it, and just sticking with my dietitian plan as well as working out as hard and as often as I can.

Friday, July 15, 2011


So, since I have started blogging my journey, how is my progress? Well, in all honesty, since I started the blog, I have only lost about 6 lbs. But the thing I have lost, is inches. I am losing inches like crazy! I will have to take a picture again, and put it side by side with my first picture I took. (Look at like the 2nd or 3rd post of the blog from last year to see the picture I am referring to.) I still have quite a ways to go, but I can get there! Thanks to all who support me!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Looking in the mirror

So lately, when I have looked in the mirror, I like what I see better than I did 25 lbs ago, but I still don't love what I see. I don't know that I ever have. I know that what I see in the mirror is bigger than what anyone else sees, but I know that I'm not skinny by any means. The whole reason why I started this, is because I wanted to like how I look in a mirror. To me, not to anyone else, except maybe my husband.
There are so many poems and stories about looking in mirrors or through them. Why are we so interested in what we see in the mirror? Why do we care so much? Being a cosmetologist, I am in front of a mirror 90% of my work day, and I don't like it. I nit pick myself apart. I think I want to change careers, so I don't have as many opportunities to tear myself down.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Curves Smart Tag

Ok, so I haven't used my Curves Smart Tag with my workouts for almost a year, and I felt like I wasn't getting enough out of my Curves workouts anymore, so I dusted it off and used it. I FELT SO WEAK! The smart tag kicks my bum every time I use it, and I forgot how much I love the feeling after a good workout! Needless to say, I won't be putting it away anytime soon now! It's still trying to balance itself out, but within the week I should be back in the right range with it! Wish me luck!
For those of you who don't know what Curves is all about, or what a Smart Tag is, let me inform you! Curves is a 30 minute workout for women with resistance training and cardio integrated together. The Smart Tag is like your own little personal trainer, pushing you harder and harder with each workout. We never like to give a tag to someone unless they have been coming regularly for at least a month.
Curves is really such a fabulous place! If you have any questions about Curves, or would like to sign up, just let me know!

Monday, July 11, 2011

How's it going so far?

Well, today is my day I am supposed to give you my results of using Slim and Sassy for the last 2 weeks. Well, "Aunt Flo" came for a visit, so I am going to give it another week before I give you my real results with it.
But when it comes to my new diet, I am loving it so far! It is very easy to eat, and I have already lost 1 lb of what I had gained back over the 4th, so I am excited about that so far! There will be more weeks like that to come, and I am excited!
Next step, bumping up the exercise!

Friday, July 8, 2011

My New Plan to Eat Healthier

Ok everyone! I officially have my new diet plan from my dietitian! I am on day 2 today, and I have yet to feel starving! I get a little bit of hunger, and I can eat! It's so nice! One of my fears is that they wouldn't think I need as many calories as I thought I did. Well, they told me I need 200 more than I thought I did!
So, roughly what my plan is for me, is that I am allowed about 1700 calories a day, and I have a certain number of servings for carbs, protien, and fats. (Carbs include my fruits, veggies, and most of my dairy.) Yesterday, even though I hadn't been grocery shopping yet, I ate within my plan and didnt really feel hungry! It was really nice!
This plan is very liveable, and I think it will be one of my biggest tools to keep me going!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Diet Tips from Chris Powell

So, for those who don't know who Chris Powell is, he is the new "it" trainer in TV. He is the hunky trainer helping with the amazing transformations on Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition. (Yes, I am admitting that I have a bit of a crush on him. My hubby doesn't travel all over the nation though, so I would rather have my hubby! ) So, he gives 3 main diet tips, and here they are.

Diet Tips:
Cut sugar, flour and fried foods
Always eat breakfast
Drink a gallon of water a day

Now personally, I agree with most of these. I think cutting flour is a little extreme. I would opt for whole wheat flour instead of white flour, and I would definitely try to cut out your refined sugars, and rely on our natural resources such as fruit for your sweet fix.
I am headed to the dietitian today, so I will let you know what she and I set up for me! I am committed to making this work!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Holiday Weekend

So, this holiday weekend wasn't a great one for me health wise. It was great emotionally though. My hubby and I were able to talk some things out that we hadn't before, and we made some great strides in making our relationship better. But sadly, I've gained 2 lbs since the last time I weighed. That is so heartbreaking for me. I have been making really good strides at being healthier, but I blew it this weekend.
But, I'm not going to be too hard on myself. My goal that I posted last week is starting over as of this moment, and it's only good choices from now on! I will be going to see the dietitian tomorrow, so I will let you know how that goes!

Friday, July 1, 2011

My new favorite fruit!

So, this lovely fruit here is an Asian Pear. I bought a couple of these at the grocery store, and I have devoured them already! They are really delicious! I have always enjoyed pears, but usually bottled. I love these ones fresh from my refrigerator! Give them a try the next time you are in the produce section! You won't be sorry!