Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Alrighty, so this week my hubby and I have been moving into a new apartment. It's a better situation for us, and the people we were previously renting from, so even though this is the 3rd time we have moved in the last 2 years, it is what is best for everyone in the situation. But each time we have moved, I have forgotten how much of a workout it is! In this move, there are 2 flights of stairs involved, and we have less help than we have with any of our other moves. Needless to say, I am SO SORE today! We still have a few things to move over to the new place, but we are settled in enough over there to start staying at the new place.
The sleep I got last night was so restful! I'm not nearly as tired today as I have been lately! It might have been all that moving, but I sure enjoyed waking up this morning not nearly as tired as I usually am!
So, I will be doing my regular workout today, plus moving! So many calories burnt! WooT!

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