Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Looking in the mirror

So lately, when I have looked in the mirror, I like what I see better than I did 25 lbs ago, but I still don't love what I see. I don't know that I ever have. I know that what I see in the mirror is bigger than what anyone else sees, but I know that I'm not skinny by any means. The whole reason why I started this, is because I wanted to like how I look in a mirror. To me, not to anyone else, except maybe my husband.
There are so many poems and stories about looking in mirrors or through them. Why are we so interested in what we see in the mirror? Why do we care so much? Being a cosmetologist, I am in front of a mirror 90% of my work day, and I don't like it. I nit pick myself apart. I think I want to change careers, so I don't have as many opportunities to tear myself down.

1 comment:

Bev said...

You have always been so very beautiful...luv ya forever!