Monday, August 22, 2011

Stress Level

So, my stress levels were SKY HIGH this last weekend. Friday night, we find out that my hubby has lost his job. We are without his income, and all of the finances have now fallen on my shoulders until he can find something. He's going to try a couple of temp agencies to try to help and see if he can bring enough in to help with our rent.
Saturday, I had a lot of stress going on at my work. I'm a manager, and I had two employees who weren't getting along. I'm not going to go into the details of what and why on that subject, but I came home from work on Saturday, and my hubby didn't know what to do to help me. He is a good man, and he let me have a moment in his arms, and then I was so exhausted from all of the stress of the previous couple of days, that he let me take a small nap. Once the work stuff was all resolved, I felt much better about things, but I still wasn't eating a lot, so I'm glad that I was too exhausted to work out all weekend. I ate like a bird, just kind of picking at my food. Usually in this situation, I would have eaten everything I could get my hands on.
So, even though my stress was high, I didn't emotionally eat, which makes me proud of myself. I know I need to be careful with that, and make sure that I am eating enough. I know better than to intentionally starve myself and kill my metabolism.
So, here's to a week where I can handle stress better! (And find ways of extra income!)

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