Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How Can I Support Him?

Okay, so let's start with today. Today was really good. Still no cheese, still burning at least 500 calories in my workout, and I haven't had to take my inhaler all day! That's pretty phenomenal!
No complaints here!
Onto today's subject. How do I support my husband in his weight loss? He keeps calling himself fat, and wants to loose weight. How do I encourage him to join me on my journey, without sounding like I am trying to call him fat?? I don't feel he is fat, but he does. He wants to get healthy and loose weight. With my Curves, he can't really come do it with me. Lately we have been working opposite shifts for our work, so we barely get to see each other. I try to encourage going on a walk when we both have time, like Sundays. I have been keeping healthier snacks here at the house, but then he doesn't really eat them. I have tried letting him pick out the things he wants at the store, and he will eat them for a day or two, and then goes back to his old habits of wanting chips and other such greasy food.
I am at a loss, any ideas?

I love my husband dearly, and I want to have him around for a long time. I just don't know what to do. I would love suggestions.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

I feel ya! I am in a similar situation with my love. He is definitely getting bigger and his health and self esteem are getting smaller :( I don't think he is fat, but I don't know how to help him lose the extra weight without insinuating that I do think he is fat. Everything we try from healthy snacks to work-out regimens fail within a few weeks. And it is complicated even more by the fact that no one else in our little family is needing to lose weight so he is all alone. I really don't know what to do either.