Thursday, April 22, 2010


Ok, so I know I haven't blogged the last few days. I haven't had much time at all to myself the last few days. I did do T-Tapp with Carrie yesterday, but I haven't done a workout at Curves in a week. :( That is totally and completely awful! So, what I have decided to do, is make a better schedule of my life. I really need to get organized again, because I need to make sure I'm getting my workouts in! I can't keep missing them if I want to continue to progress in losing weight. Even though I haven't been as good about working out, I haven't gained anything back. With a fun Women's Conference coming up next week, I know I'm going to get a lot of walking in, so that will help me keep some weight off. I also am going to be working mostly days next week, so it will be easy for me to do my Curves workout on my way home. Well, I'm off to eat dinner, and then do some T-Tapp before I settle down for the night.


Bev said...

Yeah, I know how that happens!! Re-group and re-start and it will all be great!

Monica said...

Thanks for inspiring me with this. LOL You and Carrie wouldn't mind a third person for T-Tapp. Just kidding. When summer hits I will be watching Brookie and Will so I will be having to schedule myself. So I need to "re-group and re-start" before than.